Nano Chemical Technologies

Nano Chemical Technologies (NCT) is a company made up of scientists and engineers, oil experts with more than 30 years of experience in the Chemical, Oil & Gas and Geosciences Industry, whose purpose is to offer services based on nanotechnology providing substantial improvements in mobility and quality of the crude and minimizing the polluting effects generated in the production processes of said hydrocarbons; In addition, our expertise provides solutions in the areas of product development for applications of environmental remediation, prospecting and optimization of mineral production.

At Nano Chemical Technologies, LLC We are committed to innovation through Research in Nanosciences for the development of safe, easy-to-use and environmentally friendly chemicals..

"Our products induce improvements in the FLUIDITY and VALUE of treated hydrocarbons"


Produce, market and apply high quality nano molecules operating safely, reliably, efficiently and in harmony with the environment; meeting the needs of our customers.

Value Proposal



Nano Chemical Technologies LLC, offers integral solutions, in the hydrocarbons sector, for the improvement of fluidity, mitigation of acid gases and general treatment of oil production streams, as well as environmental remediation, prospecting and optimization of mineral production.

The research, development and application of nanometric chemicals promote substantial improvements in the mobility and quality of heavy and extra heavy crudes.


We are a team of specialists that offers Services in the area of Solutions based on Nanometric Technology, Consulting in the Oil & Gas Industry and Conventional Chemicals.


Nano Chemical Technologies LLC, committed to offering solutions in the hydrocarbons sector, creates the Geosciences division that includes the Development of Static Characterization Studies of Reservoirs, from Geophysical Interpretation to the conceptualization of Dynamic Reservoir Models, with the purpose of estimating In Situ Reserves.


We apply the philosophy of Integrated Studies in which the disciplines of the Geosciences and Reservoir Engineering areas converge to ensure that the reliability and quality parameters are incorporated thus ensuring the success in the works proposed.

Through the characterization of the reservoirs we managed to reduce the operational risk through wise recommendations that lead to increase the success rate of the established projects.

Reservoir Engineering

We have extensive experience in the Characterization of Reservoirs in Mature Fields and areas of new developments, Dynamic Reservoir Models and their consequent Exploitation Plan. We rely on the latest technologies available in the market for the development of these models (Numerical or Analytical Simulation).


We have a high level of experience in the quantification of Reserves through deterministic and probabilistic analyzes in both Mature Fields and New Areas, to define the feasibility of development through new wells or well workovers and in so doing, determine the prospectivity of the reservoirs or fields. Our greatest commitment is to add value and benefits to our customers.


Chemical products based on Nanometric technology. We offer integral solutions to improve the FLUIDITY of heavy and extra heavy crudes. Our nanometric products improve the QUALITY of treated hydrocarbons.

Nanochemical NCT1

NCT1 It is a nano-fluid of inorganic / organic character, designed to reduce viscosity, increase fluidity and increase the gravity ° API of heavy and extra heavy crudes through a chemical reaction, in cold, where hydrogen donation occurs at nano levels , improving the quality of crude oil.


General questions

We have many years of experience and work with Nano technology

What is your experience?

We have a team of multidisciplinary researchers and professional experts with more than 30 years in the OIL & GAS Industry and Research and Nanosciences.

What solutions do you offer?
What is our Promise of Value?
It is friendly with the environment?


We are a group of Geosciences, Chemistry and Petroleum Experts with more than 30 years of experience in the Oil Gas Industry
Client retention
Work hours
Years of experience
Mill. USD Saved

Where to locate us

NCT LLC, is a company registered in the USA, with offices in the USA and Colombia.

Oficinas USA
Oficinas Colombia


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We offer chemicals based on nanometric technology to minimize the polluting effect generated in crude production processes.

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