New Developments

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Nano Chemical New Developments


It is a nanofluid focused on the mitigation of acid gases (H2S (g) based on Nanotechnology, where free sulfur, such as the one generated in thermal cracking processes and thermal recovery processes is “trapped” by the nanoparticles that make up the Product .

Due to the NANO size of the particles, large contact areas are developed, which makes them highly reactive and efficient.



They are molecules designed to counteract the effect of asphaltenes and to destabilize crude oil- water emulsions. The demulsification mechanism includes asphalt displacement and rupture by adsorption. The mechanism of action of DEMULTECH focuses on reducing the elasticity of the interfacial film having an equal partition between the aqueous phase and the oil phase.


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We offer chemicals based on nanometric technology to minimize the polluting effect generated in crude production processes.

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